Thursday, 27 January 2011

First batch

Specialist Wedding DJ - professional DJ specialising in weddings with over 25 years of experience. First post is about hiring a DJ and questions you should ask. Good, informative post. Wolverhampton area.

Westrea Design Studio - Textile design blog by a successful business woman in the South West. Her creations are available to buy on Folksy. Gorgeous bags! North Devon area.

Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing - Fabulous blog about sewing and dressmaking tending towards the 1950s period. Well written and well followed.

Birth Stories from Marvellous Mummies - Fantastic blog for all those expecting a child or wanting to read all about birth and labour. True stories - currently on a 50 Story Challenge so submit yours to (can be published anonymously).

Marvellous Mei Tais - Blog on the history and health and safety of mei tais as well as general attachment parenting articles. Gorgeous handmade Asian style baby carriers/slings available to buy from Wiltshire area.

The Leaky Boob - Pretty much what it says on the tin - a website dedicated to breastfeeding and all that entails. Great support site with its own forums.

Soft Stuff Party Specialists - Excellent fun for your little ones - hire-able soft toy centre that goes where you need it to. Kent area.

Hello, this blog is all about...

Basic blog, this - simply a list of my favourite blogs and websites with short explanations about each one. Feel free to comment whether you read them, like or dislike them, wrote them, own them or anything else to do with the them.